Full context-sensitive help, samples and forum are available. HTML Executable has an intuitive interface lets both inexperienced and advanced users get the most of their first ever executable website. Create amazing full-featured digital information products like ebooks, presentations, CD autoruns, help documentation, demonstrations, tutorials, brochures or educational material, website archives. It's impossible to create invalid code with this tool. Open the version information for editing using the Resource Editor button or the popup menu which is displayed by right-clicking the Resource Tree. Includes a HTML viewer, editor, compressor, beautifier and easy formatter. Open your EXE or DLL file with Rersource Tuner and expand the Version folder that’s found in the Resource Tree view, then select the version information item to be edited in the Resource Tree view.
exe file digitally code sign it - create ebooks in kiosk mode - and much more. The best real-time online HTML editor software kit with dynamic instant live visual preview and inline WYSIWYG editor and markup clean-up feature. use scripting to control ebook behaviors and respond to user events - make portable ebooks running on USB disks - protect pages using profiles to make trial ebooks and restrict user rights (no context menu.) - add password or registration key systems for ebook sales - use dongle protection for enhanced security of your ebooks - use remote activation/deactivation/validation to control uses - display splash screens or messages - add table of contents (TOC), search engine and favorite manager options - change icon and version information of the. It's in the menu bar at the top fo the screen.

Everything of the website/ebook application can then be customized from A to Z: - apply skins to the user interface (real skin support for ebooks), more than 100 skins + a free skin editor available - configure the user interface: toolbar with alpha-blended images, menus, status bar, printer. Dreamweaver has an icon that resembles a green square that says 'Dw' in the middle. You can select between three "classes" of ebooks to create: Self-Extracting, featuring a built-in stand-alone HTML Viewer or with the same engine as Internet Explorer. exe file that you distribute to your users. All source files - HTML pages, graphics, CSS, JavaScript, Java applets, animated GIF files, Flash SWF and FLV, Acrobat PDF, Powerpoint PPT, audio and video, media files - are compiled into a single. Use the tool to view Imported DLL's and functions of any Windows 32 bit. If you want to edit existing HTML file, you can use the 'Open' command in the File menu. It has editing feature to modify PE resource. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - HtmlDocEdit.exe After running HtmlDocEdit, you'll get a new and empty HTML document.

mapped executable file, and therein lies the convenience of memory. PE Viewer is handy and user friendly tool for viewing PE structures. Home / File formats / pe format, pefile / Portable Executable File Format edit.
HTML Executable is a feature-packed HTML compiler or ebook compiler that turns websites into secure and compact EXE applications for the desktop. This app lets you open, view and edit a variety of different 32 bit Windows executable file types such as EXE, DLL and ActiveX.